Markdown H4

Markwon is a markdown library for Android. It parses markdown following commonmark spec with the help of amazing commonmark-java libraryand renders result as Android-native Spannables. No HTML is involvedas an intermediate step. No WebView is required. It's extremely fast,feature-rich and extensible.

It gives ability to display markdown in all TextView widgets (TextView,Button, Switch, CheckBox, etc), Toasts and all other places that acceptSpanned content. Library provides reasonable defaults to display style of a markdown contentbut also gives all the means to tweak the appearance if desired. All markdown featureslisted in commonmark spec are supported (including support for inlined/block HTML code,markdown tables, images and syntax highlight).

Images in Markdown are pretty much the same as links with a subtle difference, to add an image in Markdown use! bang (! ) indicates it’s an image, square brackets ( ) are for the alternate text that shows up for screen readers and search engines and the parenthesis ( ) are where the link to the image goes, you can also add in a tool tip (title) in the same way as with links. Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax to speed up your writing. Let us try Markdown by using this online Markdown editor. To enclose a segment of text in blockquotes, one must prefix each written line with a greater-than sign. Markdown: ## Blockquoted header This is blockquoted text. This is a second paragraph within the blockquoted text. Standard Markdown Headers # H1 ## H2 ### H3 #### H4 ##### H5 ##### H6 Alternatively, for H1 and H2, an underline-ish style: Alt-H1 Alt-H2 -H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6. Alternatively, for H1 and H2, an underline-ish style: Alt-H1 Alt-H2 Header IDs and links. All Markdown-rendered headers automatically get IDs, except in comments.

Since version 4.2.0Markwon comes with an editor to highlight markdown inputas user types (for example in EditText).


# Supported markdown features

  • Emphasis (*, _)
  • Strong emphasis (**, __)
  • Headers (#{1,6})
  • Links ([]() && [][])
  • Thematic break (---, ***, ___)
  • Quotes & nested quotes (>{1,})
  • Ordered & non-ordered lists & nested ones
  • Inline code
  • Code blocks
  • Strike-through (~~)
  • Tables (with limitations)
  • LaTeX formulas
  • HTML
    • Emphasis (<i>, <em>, <cite>, <dfn>)
    • Strong emphasis (<b>, <strong>)
    • SuperScript (<sup>)
    • SubScript (<sub>)
    • Underline (<u>, ins)
    • Strike-through (<s>, <strike>, <del>)
    • Link (a)
    • Lists (ul, ol)
    • Images (img will require configured image loader)
    • Blockquote (blockquote)
    • Heading (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)
    • there is support to render any HTML/XML tag, but it will require to create a special TagHandler,more information can be found in HTML section
  • Task lists:
    • Not done
    • Done with X
    • andor small x

# Screenshots

By default configuration uses TextView textColor for styling, so changing textColor changes style

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Markdown H4 Vs

  • MarkwonCodeEx - Markwon extension support elegant code background.

Markdown H4 Price

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